Sunday, 2 December 2012

Coop - Kippen Hok

I've had a lot to do over the last few weeks, I only have so much time to spend on projects for myself, and when I am low on energy, or the weather is unpleasant, or I haven't been occupying my brain on anything other than Bridge, then I write quite a bit on my blog.

I currently have 5 half completed entries, not fit for public viewing as of yet.
One is about my beloved Trust, our feline companion for over 15 years, who was euthanised due to extreme Arthritis a couple of months ago.
One is about some thoughts I have been having about developmentally appropriate behaviour management strategies.
One is about the impact of our move to Auckland on my Bridge development.
The last one is about Writing, and the challenges around encouraging my boys to write, when I barely put pen to paper myself.

However most of my time has been spent on various practical projects around the house.

I have begun to dig out some steps to facilitate accessing the grass field behind the house. It is under utilised area that gets almost all-day-sun. The Landlord tells me the soil up there is great for growing veges etc. It would also be a perfect place for the washing line. This much needed tool is currently located beneath several trees, and get no sun at all in the winter, and possibly two hours of late afternoon sun in full summer. Rendering it pretty much useless.

I have finished sewing two garments for myself, both summer dresses.

I have been researching chickens for the last year or so, and have designed and constructed a coop.
I was so busy building it, and painting it, that I clean forgot to document the process... There is simply a completed coop... well it needs a few finishing touches...

The tires are to prevent the neighbour's dog from digging under
in a bid to engage in 'playtime'
Much to my delight, on the last day of November we went and purchased occupants for the coop.
We now have chickens, well, pullets. aged between 8 and 12 weeks. One lot is 10 weeks old, the other is either 14-16 days older or younger... I was a little overwhelmed that day, and I do not remember which way it went... I only remember 10 weeks, and 14-16 age difference.

The girls in their carry cage in the van. Just arrived home.
awaiting transferal to their coop.

We arrived at the Poultry breeder at 16:30. I had a 'shopping list' of breeds I wanted to have. Somehow, when we looked at all the pullets running around in their large pens, the boys got excited and started pointing out which ones they liked the look of, and we went with that. So we now have

Blue Laced Wyandotte named Blue
Silver Laced Wyandotte named Billie
White Splash Leghorn named White Horn
New Hampshire Red named Red
Light Sussex (un-named)
Black Austrolorpe named Astro
Welsummer (un-named)
Barnevelder (un-named)

First steps in the new coop
The latter two are Dutch breeds, and I have already determined that which ever of the two shows to be the dominant one, will be called Maxima. I am tempted to go with Lizzie or Betty for the Sussex (derivatives of Elizabeth)... noticing a royal theme anyone? This will be particularly cutesy if the Welsummer becomes Maxima, 'cause than the Barnvelder can be Barney (Betty and Barney)... that's not looking likely though from what I have seen thus far of their behaviour.

Hungry girls, eating... they're all there, one is hidden underneath

Trying out the roost... a little wobbly at first, as they learn this
new skill
I am very pleased that thus far all the things that I have designed for the coop are being used as anticipated, with the exception of the nesting boxes... they are still too young to be laying.

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